Rooftop/distributed Solar
More than 1,000 people attended the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners’ Summer Policy Summit.
Maine Gov. Paul LePage followed through on his promise to veto a solar net metering bill, calling it bad policy that would “result in irrational outcomes.”
The growth of distributed energy resources and energy storage in CAISO will require new approaches and better coordination between system operators.
Terry Brinker, president of Reliable Energy Advisors and former NERC official, argues for cooperation to integrate distributed energy resources (DER).
New Hampshire regulators took the first step toward an overhaul of their net metering rules, reducing compensation for rooftop solar owners.
Energy industry veterans mused on the state of energy innovation and the future during a panel discussion at the MISO annual stakeholders' meeting
Industry stakeholders gave advice on distributed energy resource (DER) oversight to staff of the New York State Department of Public Service.
Arizona Public Service expects to meet its future energy needs through increased use of natural gas and solar, while reducing coal reliance.
The warmest winter on record, plus increased pipeline capacity, led to record-low natural gas prices, FERC said in its annual State of the Markets Report.
Distributed energy resources (DER) such as rooftop solar and home batteries are forcing RTOs to rethink how they aggregate and process data.
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