February 27, 2025

Operating Reserves

FERC Rejects Tenaska Complaint on Synch Reserves; Upholds $1.9 Million Refund
FERC rejected a complaint by Tenaska that PJM inappropriately disqualified the company's combustion turbines as Tier 1 synchronized reserves.
A Half Century of DR
Demand response began in the 1950s, when utilities began offering “interruptible” programs to large commercial and industrial customers.
Reduced Reserve Margin Could Cut SPP Capacity Costs
Reducing SPP’s current 13.6% reserve margin to 12% could cut required capacity by about 1,000 MW, saving $86 million annually and $1.3 billion over 40 years.
New Generation Boosts ERCOT’s Reserve Margins Through 2025
ERCOT will add about 9,300 MW of additional capacity by 2019, relieving concerns that the grid’s reserve margins would drop as load continued to grow.
PJM Members Committee Briefs
A summary of measures approved by the PJM Members Committee on Nov. 19, 2015.
PJM Planning Committee TEAC Briefs
A roundup of news from the PJM Planning and Transmission Expansion Advisory committees on Nov. 5, 2015.
SPP Capacity Margin Task Force Shares ‘How Low’ Reserve Margin Can Go
The SPP task force updating the RTO’s planning reserve margin requirements shared its draft report on loss-of-load expectations.
PJM Planning Committee Briefs
A summary of issues discussed by the PJM Planning Committee on Oct. 8, 2015.
PJM Markets and Reliability Committee Briefs
A summary of measures discussed and approved by the PJM Markets and Reliability Committee on Oct. 1, 2015.
MISO Focused on Gas-Electric Coordination for Winter
MISO is forecasting a 35% planning reserve margin for the winter and has implemented several changes to improve coordination with pipeline operators and ensure fuel deliveries to its fleet.

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