March 14, 2025

Operating Reserves

NEPOOL Markets Committee Briefs: July 30, 2019
The New England Power Pool Markets Committee continued to discuss impact assessments of ISO-NE’s proposed energy security improvements.
MISO Market Subcommittee Briefs: July 11, 2019
MISO will file with FERC in mid-August a proposal to create a short-term reserve product, staff told the Market Subcommittee.
Gens Back PJM Pricing Proposal; Md., IMM Oppose
PJM's price formation proposal won backing from generators, but Maryland regulators and the Market Monitor asked FERC to reject it.
Abundance of Summer Capacity — Except in Texas
ERCOT’s low reserve margin sticks out when compared to those of most other regions in the U.S., where their reserves are well above their reference levels.
ERCOT Generators Upset over Early March Weather Event
ERCOT market participants grilled staff over the grid operator’s requests duriing an early March cold-weather event that did not require emergency actions.
PJM Files Energy Price Formation Plan
PJM filed its energy price formation proposal with FERC after a yearlong discussion with stakeholders produced no consensus.
Rushing Price Formation Filing Unwise, AMP Tells PJM
American Municipal Power said that PJM’s rush to file its energy price formation proposal with FERC leaves the door open for design flaws.
NYISO Management Committee Briefs: March 27, 2019
NYISO reported that it confronted minimal operating challenges this past winter as New York enjoyed relatively mild weather for most of the season.
MISO Prototyping Short-term Reserve Product
MISO will prototype its proposed short-term reserve product to demonstrate cost and benefits to its members.
Overheard at Infocast ERCOT Market Summit
Infocast’s annual ERCOT Market Summit attracted policymakers with utility, solar, wind and other energy executives to explore potential solutions and opportunities in Texas.

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