March 1, 2025

Operating Reserves

PJM May Offer Firm-Fuel Premium
PJM is considering boosting its capacity payments to nuclear plants and others with firm winter fuel supplies, the RTO told a FERC technical conference Tuesday.
UPDATE — State of the Market: PJM Passes, with Provisos
In its State of the Market report for 2013, the Market Monitor listed several high-priority tasks for the coming year.
State of the Market: PJM Passes, with Provisos
The PJM 2013 State of the Market was, to quote that noted economist Yogi Berra, mostly “déjà vu all over again.”
PJM Cuts Voltage, Dispatches DR in Arctic Blast: UPDATE
PJM operators dispatched demand response this morning after cutting voltages and calling on spinning reserves last night as frigid temperatures stressed generators and created record loads across the RTO.
Focus on AEP Transformer, Prices in Heat Wave Review
An overworked transformer and PJM operators’ efforts to limit prices were the focus last week as PJM continued to discuss the mid-July heat wave.
Imports, Not DR, Caused Heat Wave Price Crash
Unexpected imports from New York — not the mobilization of demand response — caused the heat wave price crash July 18 after spiking to $465/MWh amid the hottest day of the summer.
MRC Corrects OA, Tariff Errors
The Markets and Reliability Committee Thursday approved corrections to errors inserted in Schedule 1 of the PJM Operating Agreement and Attachment K of the T...
MRC/MC Meeting Previews
Below is a summary of the issues scheduled to be brought to a vote at the Markets and Reliability Committee and Members Committee meetings Thursday, 6/27.
MRC Approvals 5/30/13: PMU Costs, CFTC Order, UTC Credit
Below is a summary of problem statements and manual, Operating Agreement and Tariff changes approved by the PJM Markets and Reliability Committee (MRC).
Model Changes May Cut Reserve Prices in PJM East
Reserve market prices in eastern PJM are likely to drop in June as PJM implements a new model for calculating interface transfer capabilities. Adam Keech, P...

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