Onshore Wind
The Department of Energy says it will fund eight projects to demonstrate how solar, wind, storage and other clean energy resources can support the grid.
A California Energy Commission workshop examined the difficulties of connecting vast quantities of clean energy resources to the bulk electric system by 2045.
SPP has issued resource advisory for its balancing authority footprint May 8-9 because of an expected shortfall from wind resources and maintenance outages.
ERCOT and the Texas PUC say there is not enough dispatchable generation to meet peak demand this summer, forcing the grid to rely on renewables.
Entergy told financial analysts that it is investing to improve reliability and resilience and “significantly” expand its clean energy footprint.
FERC denied Tenaska’s rehearing request over alleged curtailment of its Clear Creek Wind Farm, maintaining the company did not provide sufficient evidence.
Congressional Democrats and Republicans both seek changes to federal permitting rules, but each party seeks to serve different ends.
Renewable PPA offer prices continued to rise in the first quarter of 2023, up one-third over a year earlier.
NYISO gave ICAP/MIWG proposed methodology for measuring implied marginal emission rates to increase transparency around New York’s emissions output.
LBNL's annual report on interconnection queues showed continued growth in capacity waiting to connect to the grid, even as 2 markets restricted new applicants.
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