Offshore Wind
Vermont energy officials will be looking at tradeoffs among policies and milestones for success for the state's next energy plan.
DOE's Loan Programs Office says it can fill gaps in commercial financing for Atlantic offshore wind projects in areas such as transmission.
State officials currently pursuing offshore wind projects said they need additional federal help on transmission planning.
A New Hampshire budget trailer bill includes a plan to restructure certain parts of the state government within a new Department of Energy.
PJM delayed a vote on a proposal for changes to the pro forma interconnection construction service agreement.
PJM’s minimum offer price rule is living on borrowed time if the comments at FERC’s technical conference on capacity markets are any guide.
More than two-thirds of interconnection requests in PJM’s Regional Transmission Expansion Plan process in 2020 came from solar and wind, the RTO reported.
New York announced that it is awarding 2,490 MW in offshore wind contracts to Equinor Wind US, the largest such procurement ever in the U.S.
PJM stakeholders received an update on work by the Offshore Transmission Study Group to coordinate with states more effectively for future wind power.
PJM officials postponed a Planning Committee vote on the RTO’s proposals for mitigating NERC critical infrastructure designations.
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