Offshore Wind
Massachusetts Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Kathleen Theoharides said that forward momentum on new lease areas “is a great exciting announcement."
Meeting the Biden administration’s 30-GW offshore wind goal by 2030 will require investment to spur construction of wind turbine installation vessels.
Tim Burdis of PJM says transmission upgrade and replacement decisions in anticipation of a skyrocketing offshore wind industry need to be made now.
Offshore wind is often mismatched with consumer demand for electricity; better transmission planning can help avoid curtailment, congestion, report says.
Elizabeth Yeampierre with the Climate Justice Alliance says environmental justice communities need to be allowed to speak for themselves on offshore wind.
PJM received 79 proposals addressing both the onshore and offshore demands of N.J.’s ambitious OSW program as part of the RTO’s “state agreement approach."
State solicitations have helped lower offshore wind prices, but DEEP Commissioner Katie Dykes says the next challenge for the sector is transmission.
A two-day Policy Makers Symposium at National Clean Energy Week provided insight into the mainstreaming of the clean energy transition in the U.S.
ISO-NE is proposing a pilot study to analyze the potential curtailments experienced by new generation from the addition of offshore wind on Cape Cod.
Experts from across New York’s energy industry on Wednesday discussed how to best deal with global climate change and foster new technologies.
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