Offshore Wind
Six companies offered a record $4.37 billion for 5.6 GW of offshore wind capacity in the New York Bight after three days of fierce bidding.
PSEG said during its Q4 earnings call that it's looking at further investment in offshore wind projects after completing the sale of its fossil units.
CAISO's new 20-year transmission outlook projects a need for $30.5 billion in new lines to carry renewable and stored power across California and the West.
Con Edison must resolve several regulatory concerns before being authorized to build a new substation in New York City dedicated to interconnecting offshore wind projects.
An upcoming study on the benefits and challenges of developing floating OSW will explore a range of topics to help inform Oregon state lawmakers.
The New York Public Service Commission approved requiring offshore wind project developers to provide “mesh-ready” transmission plans in their bids.
New York Gov. Kathy Hochul on Wednesday announced plans to invest $500 million in offshore wind manufacturing and supply chain infrastructure.
PJM's year was punctuated by changes in the capacity market as votes by stakeholders led to the implementation of the RTO’s narrowed MOPR.
Resource adequacy concerns and market rules and transmission infrastructure to support state clean energy policies highlight the issues facing ISO-NE in 2022.
Con Ed has submitted a proposal for a 2.4-GW transmission “backbone” to the New Jersey BPU to bring offshore wind-generated electricity to the PJM grid.
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