March 4, 2025

Nuclear Power

Stakeholder Soapbox: Replacing Indian Point A Tough Challenge
Rob DiFrancesco, of New York AREA, details the challenges the state will face after the Indian Point nuclear power plant shuts down in 2021.
Connecticut Moves Closer to Equating Nuclear with Renewables
Connecticut legislators unveiled a bill that would put the state’s only nuclear power generator on equal footing with renewable energy resources.
NY Legislators Frustrated by Lack of Answers at ZEC Hearing
A legislative hearing to explore Cuomo administration subsidies for nuclear plants left lawmakers frustrated as the PSC and NYSERDA declined to attend.
Overheard at NARUC Winter Meeting
A record 1,600 people attended the NARUC winter meetings. Exelon's CEO pressed the case for nuclear and uncertainty over the Clean Power Plan remains.
IPPs File Challenge to Illinois Nuclear Subsidies
Independent power producers filed a federal suit challenging Illinois’ zero-emission credits for Exelon’s Quad Cities and Clinton nuclear plants.
Nuclear Industry Seeks to Remain Relevant
At the Nuclear Energy Institute’s briefing to Wall Street, CEO Maria Korsnick insisted things are getting better for the industry.
Connecticut Lawmakers to Draw Up Millstone Rescue Plan
Connecticut legislators held a hearing to gather input on a bill that would support Dominion's Millstone nuclear plant.
Cost Trends Favor Renewables Despite Coming Policy Shifts
While President Obama’s energy legacy is uncertain, there appears no reversing the generation shift to renewable power that started when he took office..
Entergy, Consumers Announce Closure of Palisades Nuke
Entergy and Consumers Energy have decided to terminate a power purchase agreement for the Palisades nuclear plant early.
Environmental Group Files Second Challenge to NY Nuke Subsidy
Environmental group Hudson River Sloop Clearwater sued New York regulators over their subsidies for upstate nuclear power plants.

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