March 2, 2025

Nuclear Power

NRC Staff, Industry Favor Plant Self-Assessments; Others Wary
An NRC official said that his team would likely recommend that the commission replace a portion of its inspections with a self-assessment regime.
Opponents Assemble as PSEG Seeks NJ Nuke Subsidy
PSEG CEO Ralph Izzo asked New Jersey legislators to approve subsidies for the company’s three in-state nuclear power plants.
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DOE: German Energy Struggles Sparked NOPR
DOE's proposal to save coal and nuclear generating plants is intended to avoid a repeat of Germany’s energy woes, Mark Menezes told a PJM General Session.
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Early Adopter Pa. Worried by Retreat from Competitive Markets
The 7th Annual Pennsylvania Energy Management Conference featured discussions about state policy, the DOE NOPR and zero-emission credits.
Duke University
Counterflow — Clunkers Shoot Selves in Foot
Supporters of the DOE NOPR have promoted an insane rush to judgment, according to columnist Steve Huntoon.
GOP Tax Bill Would Trim PTC, Drop Credit for EVs
The tax bill introduced by House Republicans would trim the wind production tax credit by more than a third and eliminate the credit for electric vehicles.
EBA Panelists Talk ‘Wacky’ NOPR, ‘Modest’ ZECs, ‘Rent Seeking’
The Energy Bar Association Mid-Year Forum included discussions of subsidies and the Energy Department's proposed grid resiliency pricing rule.
Integration of Public Policy, Markets Top OPSI Discussions
The panels at the Organization of PJM States (OPSI) 2017 annual meeting discussed the effects of cheap natural gas on the markets and state politics.
Entergy Abandons Palisades PPA Termination
Entergy said it will continue to operate the Palisades nuclear plant until early 2022 under the terms of its original agreement with Consumers Energy.
Vogtle, the Law of Holes, and Two Modest Proposals
Columnist Steve Huntoon breaks down where the Vogtle nuclear power plant project went wrong and offers suggestions for rectifying the situation.

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