February 28, 2025

Nuclear Power

Perceiving Lack of Support, NJ Seeking Bigger Voice at PJM
New Jersey Assemblyman John Burzichelli told attendees at an offshore wind conference that he has concerns about the state's lack of influence in PJM.
Diablo Canyon Shutdown Bill Goes to Brown
A measure to replace generating capacity and limit economic disruption from the retirement of Diablo Canyon is headed to California Gov. Jerry Brown.
Entergy Sees Quicker Exit from Pilgrim, Palisades Nukes
Entergy announced the sale of its Pilgrim and Palisades nuclear power facilities for their accelerated decommissioning, earning financial analysts' praise.
NextEra to Close Duane Arnold Nuclear Plant
NextEra Energy Resources announced that it will close the Duane Arnold Energy Center, Iowa’s only nuclear power plant, five years earlier than expected.
© RTO Insider
Gas Industry Plays Defense at NARUC Meeting
The natural gas industry found itself on the defensive at the NARUC Summer Policy Summit as panelists debated pipelines’ resilience and cybersecurity.
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MACRUC Poses Choice: Markets or Preferred Resources?
Panels at the MACRUC annual summer education session focused on nuclear subsidies and the impact of state policy initiatives on power markets.
ICF, Nuclear Energy Institute
Counterflow: Pigs are not Flying
Steve Huntoon criticizes a recent study by ICF that used scenarios provided by the Nuclear Energy Institute
Western Reliability Margin is Thin, WECC Warns
Additional renewables and storage will not compensate for gas retirements in the Western Interconnection, a new WECC reliability assessment says.
PJM PC/TEAC Briefs: June 7, 2018
PJM is planning to add another volume to its Manual 14 series by splitting out the requirements for generation interconnection.
FirstEnergy Solutions, Energy Information Administration Electric Power Monthly, March 2018
Five Questions on Trump’s Coal, Nuke Bailout
Since President Trump directed Energy Secretary Rick Perry to prevent additional coal and nuclear plant retirements, the administration has provided no additional details.

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