July 6, 2024

Natural Gas

ERCOT, PUC Say Texas Ready for Summer
Texas grid leaders met with reporters to once again allay concerns about ERCOT’s management of the state’s electric supply.
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EBA Panel Hits FERC Pipeline Permitting
The gas industry said FERC's permitting policies could chill development while an environmentalist called the agency's decisions “lazy” during an EBA panel.
NYPSC Tracks Clean Energy Progress, Questions Process
The New York Public Service Commission established a new regulatory proceeding to track efforts to meet the states' climate goals.
Vt. House Sustains Veto of Clean Heat Standard Bill
Vermont Gov. Phil Scott vetoed a bill to create a Clean Heat Standard, saying it had no detail on costs and impacts.
Vistra: Hedged for Tight Gas Market Conditions
Vistra executives are confident their hedging strategy leaves the company “very well positioned” to take advantage of a tight natural gas market.
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Stakeholders Question CLCPA Pace and Costs for New York
Panelists at a meeting hosted by conservative think tank Empire Center for Public Policy questioned the cost and pace of New York's climate action plan.
Texas Officials Complete Critical Infrastructure Map
A Texas committee has completed the first map of the state’s critical infrastructure for use during disasters and emergency preparedness and response.
California Energy Commission
CAISO’s New Renewables Record Falls Hair Short of 100%
For a moment on April 30, CAISO was able to serve 99.87% of its native load with renewable energy, beating the 97.6% record set just a month earlier.
NYISO ‘Laser-focused’ on Gas System Performance for Winter
NYISO made it through last winter without any problems — and without any power from coal generation or the Indian Point nuclear plant, ISO officials reported.
FERC, NERC Drill down on Generators’ Winter Readiness
FERC and NERC continue to gather information from utilities, generators and grid operators on maintaining electric reliability during severe cold weather.

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