July 5, 2024

Natural Gas

New England’s New Gen Giant Sees Future in Hydrogen, Not Renewables
JERA Americas, which just bought up a significant portion New England’s energy generation, doesn’t see its decarbonization future in renewables, its CEO said.
JH Kelly
Invenergy Files Suit Against Wash. Cap-and-trade Program
The owner of Washington’s only non-utility gas-fired plant filed a suit over what it claims is discriminatory treatment in the state’s cap-and-trade program.
FERC Restarts Hearing on La Paloma Interconnection Dispute
FERC restarted a hearing in a dispute over an interconnection agreement that would reduce transmission capacity for a 20-year-old gas-fired plant in California.
Ohio House Declares Natural Gas ‘Green’ Energy
Ohio lawmakers, dominated by Republican majorities, OK'd legislation declaring green energy “includes energy generated by using natural gas as a resource.”
Princeton University
Study: IRA Will Cut PJM Emissions and Energy Costs
A new study projects that the Inflation Reduction Act will reduce PJM’s carbon emissions while delivering more affordable power.
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NJ Assembly Committee Advances Renewable Natural Gas Bill
A New Jersey bill to boost the use of renewable natural gas advances with opposition from environmental groups and support from business and union interests.
Ohio Senate Votes to Declare Natural Gas ‘Green’
The Republican-dominated Ohio Senate approved legislation that included a last-minute amendment declaring natural gas to be “green.”
ISO-NE Lays out Proposal for Measuring Gas Plants’ Winter Limitations
As ISO-NE continues to hack away at the complicated process of updating its capacity accreditation method, the grid operator is turning its attention to gas.
Business Wire
NV Energy IRP Looks to Reduce Reliance on Open Market
NV Energy has filed a proposal that would reduce Nevada's dependence on the open energy market through new geothermal, storage and a gas-fired peaker.
The Texas Senate
Texas Politicians Assert Themselves in PUC’s Market Redesign
Texas lawmakers say they are concerned the Public Utility Commission’s proposals don’t do enough to encourage investment in new gas-fired generation.

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