June 30, 2024


Wash. Allocates Millions from Cap-and-Trade Fund
A pumped storage site, solar farms and agrivoltaic ventures are among the projects receiving funding from the state's cap-and-trade fund.
Western Plan to Add 13 GW by Summer Comes with Risks
Up to 13 GW of new generation and storage resources are planned to come online in the Western Interconnection by the end of this summer.
National Grid
National Grid Proposes Quebec-New England Transmission
National Grid proposed a 1.2-GW transmission project to carry power from Quebec hydroelectric plants to southern New England through Vermont and New Hampshire.
Bureau of Reclamation
WECC Summer Outlook Weighs Hydropower, Wildfires
WECC held a two-day webinar on the outlook for this summer, including Western wildfires and hydropower conditions in the Colorado and Columbia River basins.
HDR, Inc.
FERC Rejects Pump Storage Bid for ISO-NE Inventoried Energy Program
FERC rejected a request to include pump storage in ISO-NE’s Inventoried Energy Program despite protests that it should be treated like other storage resources.
Champlain Hudson Power Express
Champlain Hudson Power Project Receives Landmark Delivery
Thirteen years after the Champlain Hudson Power Express was proposed, the first shipment of HVDC cable needed to build it arrived in New York on Thursday.
WECC Report Reviews State of the Western Interconnection
Among the topics covered by WECC’s State of the Interconnection report, one subject stands out: the impact of extreme natural events on the Western grid.
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WECC Panel Challenges Conventional Views on Grid Reliability
The electric sector must fundamentally reconsider how it measures and manages grid reliability, speakers on a WECC panel said.
SPP Board/Members Committee Briefs: Jan. 31, 2023
SPP’s Board and Members Committee have approved two resource adequacy revision requests, ending a last-minute dash to gain stakeholder approval.
SPP MOPC Approves Late Resource Adequacy Revisions
SPP’s MOPC approved two revision requests related to resource adequacy requirements that members had set aside during its meeting earlier this month.

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