September 28, 2024


Entergy Arkansas
DOE Awards $430M for Hydro Maintenance
The DOE awarded grants to nearly 300 projects at hydroelectric facilities to enhance dam safety, strengthen grid resilience and improve the environment.
Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
AEU Webinar Highlights Potential Queue Improvements
Speeding up the interconnection queues is becoming more important as demand growth and the retirement of existing generators combine to cut into reserve margins around the U.S., experts said during a webinar hosted by Advanced Energy United.
Northern Indiana Public Service Co.
MISO: 50% Peak Load Cap, Software Help Key for Crowded, Delayed Queue
MISO is adamant that it should limit project proposals in future queue cycles to 50% of annual peak load to moderate its 300-GW, oversaturated queue.
DOE Approves 1st LNG Exports Since Biden Administration’s Pause
The Department of Energy approved a five-year term for New Fortress Energy’s Fast LNG 1 project to export gas produced in the U.S. to countries without free trade agreements.
Mass. DPU Approves 1st Round of Utility Grid Modernization Plans
The Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities approved grid modernization plans from electric distribution companies to handle increasing electrification and the deployment of distributed resources.
PUC Shortlists 17 Projects for Loans from Texas Energy Fund
The Texas Public Utility Commission selected 17 generation projects for further review as part of a $5 billion loan program intended to add dispatchable, or thermal, generation to the ERCOT grid.
Holtec International
Holtec Confident on Late 2025 Restart of Palisades Nuclear Plant
No nuclear power plant in the nation has restarted operations after shutting down, and Holtec International is detailing how it expects to accomplish the feat at the mothballed Palisades Nuclear Generating Station in a little more than a year.
TVA Defends Rate Increase for New Gen while Nonprofit Blasts Utility’s ‘Broken Oversight’
The Tennessee Valley Authority is insisting its second rate increase in two years is necessary to build new generation despite the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy condemning the latest hike as clandestine and used to support fossil fuel investments.
Parties Argue for More Changes to Interconnection Rules from FERC
FERC is considering additional changes to its rules on generator interconnections, with a technical conference set for Sept. 10-11 that saw pre-conference comments filed this week.
PJM MRC/MC Briefs: Aug. 21, 2024
Consumers and electric distributors in PJM opposed a proposal to revise two financial parameters used to calculate the cost of new entry input to the 2027/28 Base Residual Auction.

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