Energy Storage
Interim PJM CEO Susan J. Riley opened the Market Implementation Committee meeting with an optimistic message about moving the organization forward.
NEPOOL voted to recommend requiring solar resources to provide meteorological and operational data to support power production forecasting.
Grid safety and security were the focus of the Texas Renewable Energy Industries Alliance’s annual GridNEXT conference in San Antonio.
Facing the same challenges as its U.S. counterparts, Ontario’s IESO is reshaping its markets to handle an influx of renewable and distributed resources.
Despite record CO2 levels and hostility from the White House, some speakers at EEI's annual conference saw reasons for optimism on climate policy.
PJM’s Darlene Phillips will take over the Operating Committee after current Chair Dave Souder starts his role as executive director of systems operations.
A roundup of NERC's June 4-5 Planning Committee meeting, including discussions on the import of reliability guidance documents.
FERC Commissioner Bernard McNamee explained his dissent in the commission's storage order to the New England Conference of Public Utilities Commissioners.
An ATC effort to improve reliability in Wisconsin could within two years provide MISO with its first-ever storage-as-transmission asset project.
CAISO is postponing stakeholder initiatives on day-ahead market enhancements and storage-as-transmission assets, while adding four new initiatives.
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