September 30, 2024

Energy Storage

U.S. Department of Agriculture
Dominion’s Solar and Onshore Wind Plans Draw Heat
Dominion Energy’s proposal to develop new solar and energy storage resources faced harsh criticism in hearings before the Virginia State Corporation Commission.
Raab Associates
Roundtable Looks at Storage, Hydrogen to Decarbonize Northeast
The New England Electricity Restructuring Roundtable on discussed storage and/or hydrogen as possible pathways to fully decarbonize the Northeast.
Princeton Study Examines 24/7 CFE Procurement
C&I customers in California and PJM could reduce their emissions much more by procuring carbon-free electricity hour by hour, according to a new report.
Hawaii PUC Approves Kauai Pumped Storage Project
Hawaii's PUC approved construction of the West Kauai Energy Project, a pumped storage hydropower project designed to produce 110 GWh of annual output.
PJM TEAC Briefs: Nov. 30, 2021
PJM stakeholders received an update on the suspended Transource IEC transmission project at the Transmission Expansion Advisory Committee meeting.
NYISO Updates Grid in Transition Work and Plan for 2022
NYISO presented stakeholders with updates on its Grid in Transition initiative and a 2022 Master Plan for managing the changes to market rules.
California PUC Orders Procuring 3 GW of Capacity
The California Public Utilities Commission approved proposals to head off capacity shortfalls in summer 2022 and 2023, including increasing demand response.
FERC Accepts CAISO Hybrid Rules
FERC accepted a second round of changes from CAISO's stakeholder initiative on hybrid resources, including a contested exemption for renewables plus storage.
Duke and Solar Advocates Forge North Carolina Net Metering Agreement
A proposed agreement between Duke Energy and solar advocates would lower the net metering rate residential rooftop solar owners receive for their excess power.
PJM MRC/MC Briefs: Nov. 17, 2021
PJM has proposed changes to a stakeholder-endorsed proposed on solar-battery hybrid resources after consulting with FERC staff.

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