July 7, 2024

Energy Efficiency

FERC Grants Exemption for Renewables, Self-Supply in NY ICAP Market
FERC granted renewable energy resources an exemption from buyer-side mitigation rules in New York's installed capacity market.
PJM Market Implementation Committee Briefs
A summary of issues discussed by the PJM Market Implementation Committee on Oct. 7, 2015.
DER, Capacity Performance Issues at PJM Market Summit
PJM staff, stakeholders, financiers, regulators and industry leaders debated the effects of environmental rules and RTO policies on the capacity market, reliability and investments at Infocast’s PJM Market Summit 2015.
PJM Transition Auction Means Reprieve for Exelon Nukes
Capacity Performance resources cleared at $151.50/MW-day in the transition auction for the 2017/18 delivery year, PJM said Wednesday.
PJM 2016/17 Transition Auction Clears at $134/MW-day
Capacity Performance resources cleared at $134/MW-day in the transition auction for the 2016/17 delivery year, PJM announced Monday.
UPDATE: PJM Capacity Prices Up 37% to $165/MW-day
PJM's first capacity auction under its new no-excuses policy saw prices rise 37% to $164.77/MW-day in most of the RTO.
PJM Prices Down 31% from Record-Breaking 2014
PJM energy market prices were down almost 40% in the first half of 2015 compared with 2014, while capacity and transmission service charges rose.
PJM Stakeholders to Study Relaxing Confidentiality Rules
PJM members agreed last week to consider relaxing confidentiality rules, despite reservations from several utilities.
FERC Orders PJM to Include DR, EE in Transition Auctions
PJM will delay the transition auctions for the new Capacity Performance regime to comply with a Federal Energy Regulatory Commission order that the RTO include demand response and energy efficiency.
PJM: Reject DR, EE in Transition Auctions
PJM told FERC it should reject requests to incorporate demand response and energy efficiency in upcoming transition auctions for the RTO’s new Capacity Performance regime.

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