Energy Efficiency
Vermont energy officials will be looking at tradeoffs among policies and milestones for success for the state's next energy plan.
The Mass. Energy Efficiency Advisory Council is conducting outreach on its draft plan that seeks a market shift to electrification.
Nevada lawmakers passed a bill that would require transmission providers in the state to join a regional transmission organization by January 2030.
SCALEUP aims to spur development of domestic supply chains for clean energy technologies, a key element of Biden’s climate agenda.
FERC OK'd CAISO tariff revisions intended to prevent the kind of supply shortages that triggered rolling blackouts in California last summer.
Even as the electricity sector decarbonizes and appliance efficiency improves, reducing GHG emissions from buildings will prove increasingly difficult.
Walgreens is working on a smart buildings initiative to expand on the energy efficiency measures the company has implemented over the last decade.
New Jersey is spending $5 million on two programs to train and educate wind energy and energy efficiency workers in a partnership with PSE&G.
ISO-NE’s winter wholesale market costs totaled $2.33 billion, a 31% increase from the previous winter driven by higher energy costs.
NY Energy Research and Development Authority recently opened applications for its second net-zero affordable and multifamily housing retrofit pilot program.
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