July 5, 2024

Energy Efficiency

Advocates Seek Pathway for Biofuels in New Connecticut Energy Strategy
Connecticut officials are accepting comments on the scope of the state’s Comprehensive Energy Strategy update through March 3.
High River Energy Center
New Jersey Lawmakers Push for Equity in Solar, Wind Energy Benefits
N.J. legislators advanced bills to create an Office of Clean Energy Equity and to fund energy efficiency projects for state and local government buildings.
Hawthorn Builders
Massachusetts Legislators Call for Fossil Fuel Ban in Net-zero Building Code
Massachusetts legislators say that allowing fossil fuel heating in new buildings under a proposed net-zero building code does not make sense.
Rich LaSalle / TVA
TVA Defends Rates, CO2 Reduction Plans in House Inquiry
TVA stands behind its emissions goals, renewable plans and rates after questioning from the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Energy and Commerce.
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‘Quintessential’ NYC High-rise to Recycle Heat for Decarbonization Pilot
The owners of several buildings in New York City talked about how they are installing decarbonization retrofits as part of the Empire Building Challenge.
New Jersey’s New Emission Rules Draw Fire
Rules drafted by N.J. regulators to cut emissions from power generation and building heating are being criticized by the environmental and business communities.
Debate Over NH EE Program Heads to State’s Highest Court
A bill before the NH legislature could address concerns raised in the appeal of an order rejecting a proposed 3-year energy efficiency plan for the state.
New Jersey Tightens Appliance Energy Use Standards
New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy signed bills tightening energy efficiency standards on appliances and limiting rates for EV charging stations near homes.
Industrial Steam Boiler Corp.
DC Circuit Rebuffs DOE on Boiler Efficiency Rule
DOE must provide better justification for its energy efficiency standards on commercial boilers, the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled.
New York Legislative Caucus Seeks Action on Building Emissions, Carbon Price
A caucus of minority legislators in N.Y. proposed a carbon tax and spending to reduce emissions from school buildings to help meet the state's climate goals.

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