Distributed Energy Resources (DER)
Almost 150 renewable energy industry representatives gathered in for the Texas Renewable Energy Industries Alliance’s (TREIA) GridNEXT conference.
ERCOT staff told the Technical Advisory Committee it is preparing a proposal to map registered distributed generation units and a white paper on DER.
NY PSC staff released a report recommending a transition to a compensation scheme that provides more accurate values for distributed energy resources (DER).
More than 150 regulators, PJM officials and stakeholders gathered for last week’s annual meeting of the Organization of PJM States Inc. (OPSI) Here’s some of what we heard.
CAISO is seeking stakeholder input on how to respond to a solar eclipse that will significantly curtail output from California’s growing solar generation portfolio next August.
A new research report indicates that "The duck curve is driven by utility-scale solar in California, not distributed resources."
The Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities rejected fees National Grid sought to impose on small DER-owning commercial and industrial customers.
How to characterize net metering for rooftop solar power was the subject of a debate at the Energy Bar Association’s (EBA) Mid-Year Energy Forum last week.
Here's some of what we heard from New York stakeholders at the NYISO Distributed Energy Resource Workshop last week.
Optimizing distributed energy resources and reducing greenhouse gas emissions cost effectively will require improved forecasting and the elimination of regulatory silos, speakers told Infocast’s California Distributed Energy Summit last week.
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