July 24, 2024

Distributed Energy Resources (DER)

© RTO Insider
Overheard at Infocast’s Texas Renewable Energy Summit
Infocast Texas Renewable Energy Summit attendees heard discussions on the challenges ERCOT faces in building transmission and ensuring grid reliability.
CAISO Load-Shifting Product to Target Energy Storage
CAISO has launched what will be a years-long initiative to develop a program to pay storage resources to absorb excess renewable generation.
ISO-NE Forecast Sees Flat Loads, More Solar, No Congestion
ISO-NE expects growing energy efficiency and behind-the-meter solar generation to more than cancel out load growth over the next 10 years.
NYPSC Limits ESCO Service, Sets New DER Compensation
The NYPSC issued a procedural order to begin implementing its 2016 ruling prohibiting energy service companies from enrolling new low-income customers.
Energy Policy Initiatives Center; California Energy Commission
CAISO Considering Transmission Charge Changes
CAISO is moving forward with a proceeding that could result in changes to how it allocates transmission costs to participants in its wholesale markets.
California State Senate
Aliso Canyon Measure Clears Calif. Assembly Committee
A California State Assembly committee advanced a Senate bill requiring publicly owned utilities in the Los Angeles Basin to support DER and energy storage.
California Awarding $45 Million for Microgrids
California is offering $45 million in grants for the development of microgrids to stimulate development of new distributed energy resources.
OMS Discusses Next Steps in DER Policy
The Organization of MISO States (OMS) has formed a temporary work group to formulate ideas on incorporating DER into the grid.
NY Clean Energy Commitment Spurs Procurement
New York developers are finding it easier to invest in the state now that it is providing more predictability around clean energy procurement.
New York City Ramps Up Community Solar
A community solar development panel at the Infocast New York Energy REVolution Summit discussed the need for improved policies and regulations around DER.

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