Distributed Energy Resources (DER)
Members approved a Tariff revision setting 78.5% as the balancing ratio to be used in calculating the default market seller offer cap for the 2021/22 BRA.
State regulators proved reluctant to be pinned down on predictions about the future of the grid at the annual meeting of the Organization of MISO States.
The Texas Renewable Energy Industries Alliance GridNEXT conference brought together more than 100 stakeholders to discuss the latest trends.
Experts discussed new energy technologies, regulatory trends and the evolving business model for utilities at a “fireside” chat hosted by Boston University.
A biennial policy report by California energy planners has some environmentalists calling for even more aggressive priorities — such as phasing out utility-scale renewable projects.
The New York Public Service Commission (NYPSC) enacted consumer protection standards for distributed energy resource (DER) suppliers.
CAISO expanded the scope of its annual Stakeholder Symposium by inviting representatives of California's oil and agriculture industries.
WEC Energy Group uncovered a Tariff inconsistency while it was developing a proposal to improve MISO’s behind-the-meter generation participation rules.
The lack of cohesive policy remains the chief obstacle to integrating energy storage, a panel of experts said at the Infocast Transmission Summit West.
The Gulf Coast Power Association’s 32nd Annual Fall Conference attracted several hundred attendees to the Texas state capital.
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