Distributed Energy Resources (DER)
Thousands of individuals and groups urged FERC to reject a request by a purported ratepayer group to outlaw net metering for rooftop solar generation.
The PJM MIC endorsed an initiative to update the RTO’s business rules to accommodate co-located generation and energy storage hybrid resources.
The ERCOT Technical Advisory Committee unanimously approved a change to how emergency response service resources return following recall.
The PJM MRC endorsed a proposal to allow market participants to use surety bonds as collateral for all market purposes except financial transmission rights.
Utility executives urged MISO to prepare for the imminent change sweeping the grid with the increased adoption of renewable and distributed resources.
A survey of registered entities suggests DER penetration is growing, but more work is needed to ensure facilities are properly accounted for in modeling.
A California PUC proposal would speed the interconnection of microgrids to utility distribution systems in anticipation of the state’s upcoming fire season.
Ensuring access to testing and PPE for frontline workers is one of the key challenges to reliable operation during the COVID-19 pandemic, according to NERC.
MISO’s Advisory Committee is beginning work on a possible new process for prospective members to join the RTO.
NYISO floated a plan that would provide hybrid storage resources three options for participating in its energy and capacity markets.
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