September 29, 2024

Demand Response

Riot Blockchain
ERCOT Opens Curtailment Program to Crypto Load
ERCOT has created a voluntary curtailment program for bitcoin miners and other similar loads that it says will reduce consumption during scarce periods.
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Texas PUC’s Proposed ERCOT Market Design to be Released Soon
Keynoting the Energy Bar Association Texas Chapter’s Energy Symposium, Lori Cobos said ERCOT stakeholders will soon get a look at the market’s redesign.
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PJM MRC Briefs: Oct. 24, 2022
PJM CEO Manu Asthana said 40 GW in planned retirements and lagging construction of new generation is raising questions about long-term grid reliability.
Sunrun’s Virtual Plant Sees Success in ISO-NE Capacity Market
Sunrun is calling its first year in the ISO-NE capacity market a success after sending more than 1.8 GWh of energy back to the New England grid.
Non-standard Loads Becoming an Issue in SPP
SPP's SPC said the RTO’s tariff is based on a wholesale/retail regulatory regime & can handle the potentially interruptible load interested in interconnection.
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USEA Panel Explores How to Cut CO2 as Electricity Demand Increases
The impact of growing power demand is a key problem in the drive to decarbonize U.S. electricity, said Robert Rowe, president of NorthWestern Energy.
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PJM MRC/MC Briefs: Sept. 21, 2022
PJM's MRC rejected two proposals intended to allow market sellers to represent a greater degree of the risk they take on when entering the capacity market.
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PJM Market Implementation Committee Briefs: Sept. 7, 2022
The PJM Market Implementation Committee narrowly rejected a proposed issue charge from curtailment service provider CPower Energy Management.
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FERC Comes to Vermont and Leaves with a New England-sized Headache
Experts, analysts and lobbyists convened with FERC in Vermont to talk about the issues facing New England’s electric grid in the winter.
Heat Wave to Test Western Grid this Weekend
Forecasters say California and the Southwest will see extreme heat this weekend, with conditions like those that strained the grid over Labor Day weekend 2020.

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