December 21, 2024

Demand Response

MISO Pursues Leaner LMR Accreditation
MISO will seek FERC approval for a proposal to tighten LMR accreditation standards for capacity auctions as stakeholders complain the plan is restrictive.
NYPSC Expands Energy Efficiency, Indexes RECs
The New York PSC committed an additional $2 billion to energy efficiency and building-electrification programs and created an index renewable energy credit.
MISO Market Subcommittee Briefs: Jan. 8, 2020
MISO will revisit a Tariff to define how aggregators of retail customers participate as demand resources as aggregators line up for market participation.
MISO Group to Probe LMR Saturation
MISO’s Reliability Subcommittee will next year examine whether the RTO’s footprint is suffering from an excess of load-modifying resources.
NEPOOL Markets Committee Briefs: Dec. 10-11, 2019
The New England Power Pool Markets Committee continued its crammed schedule to complete ISO-NE's Energy Security Improvements proposal.
Advanced Metering Tops 50% for First Time
Advanced meters represent more than half of the meters in service, but demand response growth has been choppy due to slow adoption of time-of-use rates.
PJM Operating Committee Briefs: Nov. 12, 2019
PJM staff told the Operating Committee questions still remain about why its load forecast veered so far off course during a hot spell in early October.
NEPOOL Markets Committee Briefs: Nov. 12-13, 2019
The New England Power Pool Markets Committee continued to work on ISO-NE’s proposed Energy Security Improvements proposal.
PJM, Stakeholders Baffled by DR Event
An unprecedented spell of hot weather across PJM left stakeholders questioning whether the RTO’s operational decisions produced unusual price signals.
Coastal States Still Reign in Energy Efficiency Rankings
Massachusetts led the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy’s 13th annual State Energy Efficiency Scorecard for the ninth consecutive year.

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