January 15, 2025


InvictaHOG, Public Domain, via Wikimedia Commons
Everett LNG Contracts Face Skepticism in DPU Proceedings
Proposed supply agreements between Constellation and Massachusetts gas utilities which would keep the Everett Marine Terminal operating through 2030 are facing pushback from environmental organizations and the Attorney General’s Office.
Oklahoma Municipal Power Authority
SPP’s Proposed Capacity Accreditation Methods Draw Protests at FERC
SPP’s effort to impose capacity accreditation methodologies for thermal and renewable resources has drawn protests from public-interest and clean-energy groups at FERC.
© RTO Insider LLC
ERCOT Technical Advisory Committee Briefs: March 27, 2024
Unable to reach a compromise with ERCOT on inverter-based resource ride-through requirements after months of negotiations, stakeholders have managed to push through a potential rule change over the grid operator’s objections.
NYISO to Request May 2 Effective Date for FERC Order 2023 Compliance
NYISO informed the Transmission Planning Advisory Subcommittee and Electric System Planning Working Group it intends to seek a May 2 effective date for Order 2023.
CAISO Transmission Plan Emphasizes Offshore Wind, Reliability

CAISO released a draft transmission plan identifying 26 new transmission projects aimed at accelerating California’s ability to meet its ambitious clean energy goals and costing an estimated $6.1 billion.

Siena College
NYISO Management Committee Briefs: March 27, 2024
The NYISO Management Committee approved tariff revisions for co-located storage resources and capacity accreditation models, reviewed annual satisfaction survey results, and received updates on board compensation and Order 2023.
Consumers Energy
FERC Allows MISO Plan to Align Generator Replacement and Suspension Processes
With FERC’s blessing, MISO will synchronize its generator replacement process with its generation suspension and retirement process to give interconnection customers more flexibility.
Appeals Court Upholds FERC on Gas Project Extensions
The D.C. Circuit ruled in favor of FERC granting previously approved natural gas projects’ requests for an extension of their deadlines to bring the facilities online.
Stakeholder Soapbox — There and Back Again: D.C. Circuit Again Considers NYISO’s Approach to Zero-Emission Mandate
Dozens of states have adopted emission-reduction targets aimed at fighting climate change. But how should RTOs account for those initiatives when their effects are delayed, uncertain, expensive for consumers or all of the above? 
Holtec International
LPO Announces $1.52B Loan to Restart Palisades Nuclear Plant
Michigan’s 800-MW Palisades nuclear power plant could become the first nuclear plant in the U.S. to be restarted, helped by a $1.52 billion loan from DOE’s Loan Programs Office.

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