March 13, 2025


SPP Issues EEA 1 as Heat Scorches Midwest
SPP issued a Level 1 energy emergency alert Aug. 26, saying widespread high temperatures in the Great Plains led to tightening reliability conditions in its 14-state balancing area authority.
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MISO Queue Critiques Take Focus at Infocast Midcontinent Conference
Infocast’s inaugural Midcontinent Clean Energy summit provided panelists a pulpit for critiquing MISO’s interconnection queue setup as it strains under the weight of hundreds of gigawatts intended to further fleet shift and meet load growth.
MISO Predicts Painless Fall Despite Missouri Capacity Shortfall
MISO doesn’t believe autumn will prove much trouble for it to tackle, though it faces a capacity shortfall in Missouri.
Analysis Group: No Changes to NYISO CONE Method Needed
The Analysis Group told NYISO stakeholders it did not recommend any major changes to the annual process for updating the ISO’s gross cost of new entry for generators.
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Exec Details MISO’s Tight Spot Between Load Growth, Retirements, Unwieldy Queue
MISO's Todd Hillman described the pressure cooker environment of escalating data center demand, a precarious reliability situation and an overwhelmingly large interconnection queue at Infocast’s inaugural Midcontinent Clean Energy Summit.
CAISO Adjusts Timeline for Storage Bid Cost Recovery Initiative
Responding to stakeholder pushback, CAISO has extended the timeline of its initiative refining bid cost recovery provisions for storage resources to allow for more discussion.
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Form Energy to Develop First Multiday Storage Project in New England
A major multiday energy storage project in central Maine intended to ease congestion is moving forward thanks to $147 million in federal funding.
Mike Jacobs
Stakeholder Soapbox: PJM Resists Battery Storage Reforms Given to Data Centers
Just as PJM negotiated provisions for data centers, they must do the same for battery storage. PJM’s next Order 2023 compliance filing is the time to make this change, says the Union of Concerned Scientists' Mike Jacobs.  
PJM MRC/MC Preview: Aug. 21, 2024
PJM proposes tightening "know your customer" rules, which require members to provide information to facilitate the due diligence PJM conducts on key decision-making leadership.
FERC OKs $116M Settlement for New Orleans over Grand Gulf Nuclear Mismanagement
FERC sanctioned a partial settlement to resolve many of the New Orleans City Council's longstanding complaints over management of the Grand Gulf Nuclear Station.

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