January 12, 2025


WECC Flags Hydro in BC, SW Heat as Potential Summer Concerns
Extreme heat in the Desert Southwest and low hydro in the Northwest could pose reliability problems for the Western Interconnection this summer, although the region doesn’t face an alarming risk for grid emergencies, WECC officials said.
USEA Event Looks into Addressing Growing Data Center Demand
Data center expansion is a major part of the power industry’s return to demand growth around the country, and the United States Energy Association hosted a webinar with industry leaders on how the sector’s growth will play out. 
Elevate Renewables
Lithium-ion Batteries to Replace NYC Peaker Plant
A developer has committed to replacing a fossil-fired peaker plant with a lithium-ion battery system that will, for a while, be New York City's largest.
National Grid Renewables
MISO: New Interconnection Queue Cycle to Wait on MW Cap Filing
MISO said new queue entries must wait while it takes another swing at imposing an annual megawatt cap on its interconnection queue.
SPP: Enough Generation to Meet Summer Demand
SPP says it will have enough generation to meet energy demand despite higher regional temperatures this summer, according to its biannual seasonal assessment.
FERC OKs MISO Settlement Rules for Widespread Tx Outages

FERC ruled that MISO can apply new settlement practices to generators physically disconnected from the grid during extensive transmission outages triggered by extreme events.

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Monitor Alleges EE Resources Ineligible to Participate in PJM Capacity Market
PJM's Independent Market Monitor filed a complaint asking FERC to reject all energy efficiency offers into the RTO's capacity market, alleging none of them meet the Base Residual Auction participation requirements.
EPRI: Clean Energy, Efficiency Can Meet AI, Data Center Power Demand
The burgeoning power demand from data centers and artificial intelligence can be met by other means than new natural gas-fired power plants, according to a new report from the Electric Power Research Institute.
Wisconsin Public Service Commission
Appeals Court Overturns Wis. Ban on DR Aggregation in MISO
A court of appeals has toppled Wisconsin’s longstanding ban on aggregators of demand response participating in wholesale markets.
Vistra Joins Rush for Dispatchable Generation Loans
Vistra says it plans to add nearly 2 GW of gas-fired capacity to the ERCOT grid over the next year and seek loans through the Texas Energy Fund.

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