September 30, 2024


Superior City Council
City Council Vote Stalls Planned Wisconsin Gas-fired Plant
The planned 625-MW gas-fired Nemadji Trail Energy Center encountered another hitch after the Superior City Council refused to move ahead on zoning changes necessary for breaking ground.
Brattle Group
Virtual Power Plants Could Save Calif. $750M a Year, Study Says
California could significantly cut power costs through increased use of VPPs, according to the study by The Brattle Group and GridLab.  
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
IRA Driving New Clean Energy as Interconnection Queue Backlogs Persist
Interconnection requests across the U.S. shot up by 30% in 2023, with close to 2,600 GW of solar, wind and storage waiting to land a spot on the grid
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Grid Operators Report Reliable Operations During Eclipse
Grid operators reported zero issues managing the bulk electric system as Monday’s total eclipse briefly shaded solar panels across ISO-NE, NYISO, MISO, SPP and ERCOT.
FERC Approves PJM Involvement in 2nd NJ Offshore Tx Solicitation
FERC approved the participation of PJM in New Jersey’s second solicitation for transmission to interconnect offshore wind, as the state Board of Public Utilities evaluates proposals submitted by the solicitation’s April 3 deadline.
Regulators Approve PNM IRP Despite Staff Criticism
New Mexico commissioners voted to accept PNM's 2023 integrated resource plan despite concerns about an escalation in costs and resources since the 2020 IRP.
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Climate Activists Urge FERC to Reject Results of ISO-NE FCA 18

Climate activists from New England are calling on FERC to reject the results of ISO-NE’s Forward Capacity Auction 18, arguing the auction disproportionately favored fossil fuel resources.

Versant Power
DOE’s Final Transformer Efficiency Rules Seek to Ensure Stable Supply Chain
The U.S. Department of Energy finalized energy efficiency standards for distribution transformers to increase grid efficiency and save $824 million annually. 
Massman Construction Co.
Court: Ameren Still Without Remedy for Years of Rush Island Air Pollution
After more than two years, Ameren Missouri has not yet delivered suitable redress for more than a decade’s worth of Clean Air Act violations via its Rush Island coal plant.
InvictaHOG, Public Domain, via Wikimedia Commons
Everett LNG Contracts Face Skepticism in DPU Proceedings
Proposed supply agreements between Constellation and Massachusetts gas utilities which would keep the Everett Marine Terminal operating through 2030 are facing pushback from environmental organizations and the Attorney General’s Office.

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