September 29, 2024


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ASE: Energy Transition Must Put Demand-side Efficiency, Flexibility First
A new Berkeley Lab report finds that a combination of aggressive demand and supply side measures could slash greenhouse gas emissions in the building sector 91% below 2005 levels by 2050.
Consumer Advocates, Environmentalists Urge Holistic Thinking at PJM
The Public Interest and Environmental Organization User Group discussed generation deactivations, filing rights over regional planning and long-term transmission projects with the PJM Board of Managers.
Center on Global Energy Policy
Study: PJM Queue Wait Times Contributing to Longer Construction Periods
Lengthy wait times in PJM’s generator interconnection queue are interacting with siting and permitting timelines, supply chain disruptions and inflation to contribute to increasingly long construction periods, according to a study released by Columbia University’s Center on Global Energy Policy.
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SPP Board of Directors/MC Briefs: May 7, 2024
SPP CEO Barbara Sugg warned the RTO’s board and stakeholders that the grid operator faces new and stronger headwinds, even as it met its corporate goals’ first-quarter milestones.
Republican-led States Sue EPA over Power Plant Emissions Rule
Republican state attorneys general sued EPA seeking to stop implementation of the agency’s final rule aimed at slashing greenhouse gas emissions from existing coal plants and new natural gas plants. 
Calif. Grid Equipped for Summer, CAISO Says
CAISO officials are optimistic about the grid’s performance this summer, as the system has added 4.5 GW of nameplate capacity since September with another 4.5 GW on the way.
Grid Status
3 GW of Storage Help ERCOT Through Scarcity
Energy storage resources bailed out the ERCOT grid May 8, providing a record amount of energy to help the Texas grid operator through the first tight conditions of the maintenance season.
Canada Pension Board, Global Infrastructure Partners to Buy Allete
Canada's pension board and a private equity firm intend to buy Allete for $6.2 billion, a deal that appears to make some Minnesota regulators apprehensive.
ISO-NE Predicts 10% Increase in Peak Demand by 2033
ISO-NE is predicting that New England’s peak load will increase by about 10%, and electricity consumption by 17%, by 2033, according to its 2024 Capacity, Energy, Loads and Transmission report.
Western Powerpool
WRAP ‘Binding’ Phase Delay Finds Stakeholder Support

Members of a key WRAP stakeholder group have expressed support for the recent move by participants to delay the program’s “binding” penalty phase by one year, to summer 2027.

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