October 8, 2024


ISO-NE Lays out Proposal for Measuring Gas Plants’ Winter Limitations
As ISO-NE continues to hack away at the complicated process of updating its capacity accreditation method, the grid operator is turning its attention to gas.
Principle Power
California Offshore Wind Bidders Show Caution
The West Coast’s first offshore wind auction got off to a cautious start, with bids closing at levels far lower than two recent East Coast auctions.
California’s Energy Efficiency Policies Ranked Best in Nation
California ranks highest in the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy's (ACEEE) annual report on states’ energy-efficiency policies and programs.
Business Wire
NV Energy IRP Looks to Reduce Reliance on Open Market
NV Energy has filed a proposal that would reduce Nevada's dependence on the open energy market through new geothermal, storage and a gas-fired peaker.
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Utilities Grapple with Increasingly Distributed Power System
System operators need better visibility as the grid transitions to a more distributed power system, experts told GridWise Alliance's gridCONNEXT 2022.
NJ Shoots for 4 GW+ in 3rd OSW Solicitation
New Jersey is seeking projects totaling 1.2 to 4 GW — and potentially larger — in the state’s third offshore wind project solicitation planned for early 2023.
FERC Approves PJM Tariff Revisions for SAA Cost Allocation
FERC approved revisions to PJM’s tariff that assign the costs of necessary transmission upgrades for installation of offshore wind in New Jersey to the state.
Solar Industry Slams Commerce Decision Extending Solar Tariffs
The Commerce Dept. issued a preliminary decision that may extend tariffs on solar components imported from companies in Cambodia, Malaysia, Thailand & Vietnam.
The Texas Senate
Texas Politicians Assert Themselves in PUC’s Market Redesign
Texas lawmakers say they are concerned the Public Utility Commission’s proposals don’t do enough to encourage investment in new gas-fired generation.
MISO: 200 GW in New Capacity Necessary by 2041
MISO said its members may need to build up to 200 GW in new installed capacity by 2041 to meet reserve requirements while achieving renewable targets.

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