September 28, 2024


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FERC Accepts NYISO Capacity Accreditation Changes, with 1-Year Delay
FERC approved NYISO’s proposed tariff revisions to more accurately accredit natural gas resources’ capacity, but the commission delayed their implementation until 2026.
Advanced Energy United
NV Energy Should Do More to Tap VPP Potential, Report Says
NV Energy's virtual power plant market potential could grow from an estimated 134 MW this year to 1,230 MW in 2035, according to a new analysis.
MISO Sets Sights on 50% Peak MW Cap in Annual Interconnection Queue Cycles
MISO plans to pursue a more straightforward, 50% peak load megawatt cap to limit the number of generator interconnection requests it will accept annually.
NextEra Energy
NextEra Reports Continued Growth in Renewables
Data center agreements with Google totaling 860 MW brought the NextEra Energy Resources backlog to 22.6 GW, even as it placed more than 1.6 GW into service in the second quarter. 
United Steel Structures Inc.
NRDC: Coal Plants Squeezing Out Cheaper Resources in MISO Market
Coal plants in the Central U.S. are elbowing out lower-cost, cleaner generation and have collected more than $1 billion in uneconomic payments over a three-year span, the Natural Resources Defense Council said in a new report.
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PJM Presents Revised Reserve Requirement Study Values
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SPP Markets and Operations Policy Committee Briefs: July 16-17, 2024
SPP’s Markets and Operations Policy Committee endorsed recommended revision requests from two stakeholder groups as part of the RTO’s effort to strengthen resource adequacy.
DC Circuit Finds for SPP in Wind Farm Dispute
The court rejected a wind farm’s challenge of FERC’s decision to allow SPP to charge more than $100 million for upgrades needed to connect the facility to the grid operator’s system.
CAISO Kicks off Storage Bid Cost Recovery Stakeholder Initiative

Batteries may be receiving excessive or inefficient bid cost recovery payments in CAISO, an issue that could be exacerbated by the ISO’s recent move to increase its soft offer cap to allow for higher bids by storage resources.

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Demand Growth Takes Center Stage at NARUC Summer Policy Summit
The return to demand growth in the electric power industry has been a major theme this year, and it dominated the discussion at NARUC's Summer Policy Summit.

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