October 7, 2024


Hydro-Quebec’s Leadership Shakeup Could Impact New England
The resignation of CEO Sophie Brochu sent a shockwave through the Canadian energy sector that could reverberate into New England.
FERC Approves PacifiCorp’s Interconnection Replacement Rules
FERC approved changes to PacifiCorp’s interconnection procedures that will allow it to use retiring generators’ interconnection capacity for new power plants.
NYISO Finalizes CRIS Tariff Revisions
NYISO presented a proposed timeline for finalizing tariff revisions related to capacity resource interconnection service expiration and transfer rules.
U.S. Department of the Interior
DOI’s Klein Picked to Run Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
The U.S. Department of the Interior announced that Elizabeth Klein has been named director of the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management.
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Hochul Highlights Cap and Invest in State of the State Address
Gov. Kathy Hochul shared what her energy and environmental priorities will be in the coming year, including implementing an economywide cap-and-invest program.
NYISO Stakeholders Still Concerned About DER Participation Model
NYISO on Friday presented the Installed Capacity/Market Issues Working Group with draft revisions to its distributed energy resource participation model.
Ohio Law Amended to Declare Natural Gas a Form of ‘Green Energy’
Declaring natural gas green has been a goal of The Empowerment Alliance, an anonymously funded 501(c)(4) nonprofit founded in 2019 with Ohio roots.
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FERC Accepts SPP Order 845 Compliance Filing, Grants Tx Planning Waiver
FERC has accepted a pair of SPP tariff revisions related to generator interconnection procedures and transmission planning.
Regulators File Emergency Motion in Ongoing Grand Gulf Battle
New Orleans city council and the Ark. and La. PSCs filed an emergency motion after an Entergy press release claimed it owed no additional refunds to ratepayers.
Duke Energy
North Carolina Regulators Approve Duke’s 1st Carbon Plan
The North Carolina Utilities Commission approved Duke Energy's first carbon plan to comply with state law calling for carbon neutrality by 2050.

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