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The current debate in the U.S. electricity sector pitting efforts to increase renewables against the need for grid reliability in the face of growing demand could be unnecessary and counterproductive, according to one expert.
MISO’s real-time energy prices in February 2025 nearly doubled from a year earlier as the footprint saw higher load and gas prices.
The Louisiana Public Service Commission selected a contractor to measure its statewide energy efficiency program, days after rumblings that a commissioner was prepared to dismantle the long-awaited program.
ISO-NE plans to reopen its interconnection queue April 1 as it continues to wait for a ruling from FERC on its Order 2023 compliance proposal, the RTO told the NEPOOL Transmission Committee.
NYISO unexpectedly pulled a vote on modeling improvements for capacity accreditation from the Management Committee’s agenda, delaying further discussion until April 9.
A new analysis by ISO-NE shows about 9,600 MW of offshore wind may be able to connect to the New England transmission system without triggering the need for upgrades.
ISO/RTO leaders explained the issues facing their markets and took some questions from members, with subjects like FERC's independence and the recent capacity price spikes in PJM coming up.
Christine Guhl-Sadovy, president of the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities, has a lot to do and little time to do it in.
The Markets and Reliability Committee endorsed PJM's recommended installed reserve margin and forecast pool requirement values for the 2026/27 Base Residual Auction.
PJM presented the Markets and Reliability Committee with a proposed settlement with several clean energy associations and developers on its site control requirements for new generation projects.
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