September 30, 2024


Settlement on FE Coal Plant Still a Bad Deal: Consumer Group
FirstEnergy Corp. reached a settlement in a controversial bid to shift a coal-fired generator from its unregulated subsidiary to regulated utility Monongahela Power, but a consumer group says the reduced price is still a bad deal for ratepayers.
VA OKs Dominion Virginia Power Generator
VA regulators last week approved Dominion Virginia Power’s request to build a 1,358 MW natural gas-fired generator near Lawrenceville in Brunswick County.
Offshore Wind: Lease Sale Set for VA; Setback for NJ Project
PJM offshore wind took one step forward and one step back as BOEM announced the auction of 112,800 acres off Virginia while the NJ BPU rejected Fishermen's Energy.
NJ Legislature Boosts Offshore Wind Transmission Project
NJ's legislature called on state utility regulators to support development of the proposed transmission “backbone” for offshore wind.
PJM States Seek ‘First Mover’ Status
PJM's Atlantic states are ideally located to pursue offshore wind, with shallow coasts similar to Europe, where utility-scale offshore wind is 10+ years old
Leasing the Ocean for Power
The Interior Department Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) oversees development of the nation’s wind energy resources on the Outer Continental Shelf.
Billions Needed to Bring Offshore Wind to PJM
Integrating offshore wind into PJM will require billions in new transmission spending. Lines on shore also will have to be upgraded or built.
Virginia Electric Biennial Rate Review Due
Virginia Electric and Power Co. will initiate its biennial rate review by the Virginia State Corporation Commission in late March and file a revised transmis...
Virginia: Testimony Due on Renewable Pilot
March 19 is the deadline for filing testimony in the Virginia State Corporation Commission’s review of Virginia Electric’s proposal to create renewable gener...

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