September 30, 2024


Texas Admin Monitor
Texas PUC Finances Market Debt over Lt. Gov.’s Objections
Despite political pressure, Texas regulators have approved a pair of ERCOT requests to finance $2.9 billion in market debt incurred during the winter storm.
Southern Power
ERCOT Mothballed Resources Return to Year-round Ops
Three generating units with 226 MW of capacity, previously mothballed on a seasonal basis, are returning to year-round service in the ERCOT market.
Texas Market Taking Winterization Seriously this Time
There's a new focus on winter weather in the Texas electricity market after February's winter storm drove the ERCOT grid to the brink of collapse.
Texas Admin Monitor
Texas PUC Directs Transmission Construction in Valley
The Texas PUC exercised its newfound authority to bypass ERCOT’s stakeholder process and direct utilities to add a second circuit to an existing line.
Overheard at the 2021 GCPA Fall Conference
The Texas PUC's Peter Lake and ERCOT's Brad Jones kicked off the GCPA's virtual Fall Conference, originally scheduled to have been an in-person event.
Jno Skinner, CC BY-4.0, via Wikimedia
FERC, NERC Share Findings on February Winter Storm
FERC and NERC staff shared their preliminary findings and recommendations on the February winter storm that led to unprecedented outages in Texas.
Texas Admin Monitor
Texas PUC Considers Efficiency, DR as Gen Alternatives
One of Texas' leading energy experts had a dose of reality for state regulators working on a new design for the ERCOT market.
Pattern Energy
Texas PUC Considers Adding Grid Interconnections
Responding to February’s devastating winter storm, Texas regulators consider ways to add ties to neighboring grids without triggering FERC oversight.
Texas Admin Monitor
PUC Workshop Takes First Stab at Market Changes
Texas regulators discussed with ERCOT market participants potential changes to an energy market that has been virtually untouched for almost 20 years.
Houston METRO
Houston METRO to Electrify Bus Fleet by 2030
The Houston Metro set a goal to replace all of its buses and vans with electric vehicles by 2030, a full decade before other major metro transit authorities.

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