July 2, 2024

Rhode Island

NE Energy Leaders Discuss Paths to Decarbonization
State energy leaders from Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Maine outlined their long-term strategies to achieve decarbonization goals.
R.I. Opens Solicitation for 600 MW of Offshore Wind
R.I. Gov. Raimondo announced a new solicitation to procure up to 600 MW of offshore wind energy, moving the state closer to 100% renewables by 2030
States Demand ‘Central Role’ in ISO-NE Market Design
NESCOE called on ISO-NE to increase its transparency and the role of states, saying the current structure is incompatible with their clean energy efforts.
Governors’ Call for ISO-NE Reforms Draws Support
ISO-NE stakeholders said the call for reforms by New England governors is a precursor to a seismic shift in relations between the states and the RTO.
New England Governors Call for RTO Reform
The governors of Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Vermont released a joint statement calling for reforms to ISO-NE.
States Detail OSW Workforce Development Initiatives
Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York and Rhode Island officials discussed their role in training people to work in the offshore wind industry.
RI Updates 2030 Load and Renewables Forecast
Rhode Island will need to add about 440 GWh of renewable energy annually to meet the state’s goal of 100% renewable energy by 2030, Brattle said.
Tiny RI Seeks its Share of Offshore Wind Jobs
Rhode Island boasts the first and only offshore wind farm in the Western Hemisphere, but it has seen its modest OSW procurement goals eclipsed by surrounding states.
NE States Pursue Clean Energy, Despite COVID-19
Officials from New England’s six states described their efforts to advance renewable energy goals despite the coronavirus pandemic.
RI Seeks to Lead with 100% Renewable Goal
More than 150 people attended a virtual meeting on how Rhode Island is working with Brattle Group to develop a plan to achieve a 100% clean grid by 2030.

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