New Jersey Board of Public Utilities President Joe Fiordaliso is so exasperated by PJM that he’s considering pulling the state from the RTO.
PJM assured Pennsylvania legislators that the state has ample power generation for its needs and cautioned that fuel diversity will not ensure reliability.
Exelon executives expressed confidence during a fourth-quarter earnings call that other states will adopt zero-emission credit (ZEC) programs this year.
The 7th Annual Pennsylvania Energy Management Conference featured discussions about state policy, the DOE NOPR and zero-emission credits.
At a conference to analyze Pennsylvania’s electricity markets, Christina Simeone unveiled her study on price impacts from the expansion in shale gas.
Exelon said they will press PJM to enact changes boosting off-peak prices and are confident nuclear plants in New York and Illinois will survive challenges.
The Pennsylvania State Senate approved a tax on virtual transactions, PJM CFO Suzanne Daugherty told the Markets and Reliability Committee.
PJM financial traders say they fear that Pennsylvania lawmakers may target them in efforts to close the state’s budget gap.
PJM financial traders say they fear that Pennsylvania lawmakers may tax virtual transactions in efforts to close the state’s budget gap.
Exelon announced that it will retire Three Mile Island Unit 1 in September 2019 “absent needed policy reforms.”
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