February 27, 2025

North Carolina

State Briefs
This week's state briefs include news on California, Connecticut, Idaho, Kentucky, Maine, Massachusetts, Maryland, Minnesota, Nebraska, New Jersey and others.
State Briefs
This week's state briefs include news on Arizona, California, Illinois, Manitoba, Maryland, Montana, Nebraska, New York, North Carolina, Ohio and other states.
State Briefs
This week's state briefs include news on California, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, New Jersey, North Carolina and Ohio.
State Briefs
This week's state briefs include news on Arizona, California, Colorado, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, Montana, New Mexico, North Carolina and Oklahoma.
NC Health Official Resigns in Dispute with Gov. over Duke Energy Coal Ash
A dispute between North Carolina’s governor and a veteran state scientist over the Duke Energy coal ash practices has exploded into the public, with the scientist’s boss resigning in protest. 
State Briefs
This week's state briefs include news on Delaware, Kentucky, Louisiana, Massachusetts, MIchigan, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico and others.
State Briefs
This week's state briefs include news on California, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Massachusetts, Montana, Nevada, North Carolina, North Dakota and others.
State Briefs
This week's state briefs include news on Arizona, California, Connecticut, Maine, Michigan, Missouri and other states.
State Briefs
This week's state briefs include news on California, the District of Columbia, Indiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, Montana, New Mexico and others.
State Briefs
This week's state briefs include news on California, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio and Pennsylvania.

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