March 7, 2025

New York

NY PSC Gets Update on Tx Planning, Investment Efforts
The New York PSC heard a progress report on a grid study to identify transmission upgrades and investments needed to meet clean energy goals.
Overheard at NY-BEST’s 10th Annual Meeting
NY-BEST held its conference as Tropical Storm Isaias battered New York City, discussing New York's storage deployment goals and developments.
New York Ponders Planning an Offshore Grid
A new study estimates New York would save $500 million through a planned transmission strategy for its next 7,200 MW of offshore wind.
PSEG Seeking to Sell Fossil, Solar Generation
PSEG is putting its solar and fossil fuel generation on the block as it seeks to transform into a primarily regulated electric and gas utility.
NE Women Push for Racial, Environmental Justice
A panel discussed promoting equitable access to clean energy and a sustainable environment at a meeting of New England Women in Energy and the Environment.
ISO, RTO Officials Debate Role of Natural Gas Resources
A discussion on natural gas’ role in a clean-energy grid during NARUC's Summer Policy Summit revealed a divide between ISOs and RTOs.
NY Announces 4 GW in Clean Energy RFPs
New York announced it is seeking a combined 4 GW of offshore wind, onshore wind and solar power.
NYPSC Approves $700 Million for EV Chargers
The New York PSC approved $700 million over the next five years to install more than 50,000 light-duty EV charging stations throughout the state.
Court Sides with NY on EPA ‘Good Neighbor’ Finding
The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals ordered the EPA to reopen a petition filed by New York, New Jersey and New York City into air pollution coming from upwind states.
Community Shared Solar Grows in NYC
Sustainable CUNY held a webinar to discuss the different ways New York City is making solar power available to low- to moderate-income residents.

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