New York
The New York CAC met to discuss bioenergy emissions and the formation of a utility consultation group while also receiving updates from advisory groups.
Electrification of transportation carries long timelines, prompting N.Y. officials to look for new strategies to achieve emissions reductions
More than 300 people tuned in to a decarbonization workshop hosted by NYSERDA and the New York Department of Environmental Conservation.
Decarbonization advocates said they hope energy efficiency is one issue that will attract bipartisan support in a narrowly divided Congress.
NYSERDA has issued a request for proposals seeking contractors to conduct site reuse planning studies for retired power plants.
Bill Nye joined New York college teachers and students for a conference on how to save the planet through social equity, science and education
New York officials concluded two weeks of public hearings on draft regulations for the siting of renewable energy resources.
Preliminary analysis suggests that a mesh-and-backbone network design would be best to integrate offshore wind into the New York grid.
The NYPSC ruled on its first major electric rate case since the pandemic struck, approving three-year phased increases for NYSEG and RG&E.
The New York Climate Action Council's Power Generation Advisory Panel discussed the issues of methane gas leakage and renewable integration.
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