New York
New York Gov. Kathy Hochul is proposing a significant expansion of the role of the New York Power Authority, the nation’s largest state-owned utility.
Long-duration energy storage company Zinc8 Energy Solutions plans to build its first factory in Kingston, N.Y., the company and Gov. Kathy Hochul announced.
New York said its latest offshore wind solicitation drew more than 100 proposals from six developers for eight new projects — a record level of response.
FERC conditionally accepted NYPA's proposal to revise its formula rate template in response to its need to bring on large amounts of clean generation.
NYSERDA did not release details on the submissions for New York state’s third offshore wind solicitation, but least some of the would-be developers are known.
New York’s JFK Airport is planning an 11.3-MW microgrid powered by solar and fuel cells to cut emissions and continue operations during power outages.
NYISO rebuked NextEra Energy for attempting to lobby the grid operator to award it transmission projects to connect offshore wind projects to Long Island.
Ben Schumin, CC BY-SA-2.0, via Wikimedia
Beacon Wind I drew unanimous public support during public hearings on the transmission line needed for the1,230-MW wind farm planned off the New York coast.
Members of the New York Climate Action Council continued the debate over the future of natural gas at a Senate hearing on implementing the CAC’s scoping plan.
Roger Clayton of the NYSRC told stakeholders that the council is developing interconnection reliability rules for inverter-based resources.
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