September 28, 2024


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The IIJA Challenge: Getting Money and Guidelines out the Door
According to an IIJA progress report, allocations to Maryland now total about $1.7 billion, with more than 80% earmarked for transportation infrastructure.
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Maryland GHG Cuts Beat 2020 Goal, State Says
Maryland’s greenhouse gas emissions in 2020 were 32% below 2006 levels, according to the state Department of the Environment, besting its goal of a 25% cut.
Maryland Climate Change Comm. Chasing New State Law’s Ambitious Goals
Maryland faces a steep climb to meet its new emissions-reduction goal of 60% below 2006 levels by 2031. A plan for reaching the goal is due next spring.
Maryland Public Service Commission
Maryland PSC Approves Updates to Utility EV Charging Programs
Maryland regulators approved changes to the state’s EV charging pilot, increasing incentives for chargers installed at underserved locations.
Maryland Bills Could Boost Community Solar, Local Resilience, Clean Trucks
Community solar projects in Maryland could get bigger and get a break in property taxes thanks to two bills approved by the state’s General Assembly.
State of Maryland
Maryland Climate Bills Become Law Without Hogan’s Signature
In a surprise move, Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan (R) allowed two key pieces of climate-related legislation to become law on Friday without his signature.
State of Maryland
Md. General Assembly Sends Climate Solutions Bill to Hogan
A legislative showdown is brewing over Maryland's Climate Solutions Now Act, which would require the state to cut greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2045.
Maryland Clean Energy Bills Pass 1st Hurdle on Crossover Day
With less than three weeks to go until the end of the session, Maryland legislators have advanced several significant clean energy bills.
Georgetown Climate Center
Analysis: Infrastructure Bill Could Increase GHG Emissions
The bipartisan infrastructure bill touted to address climate change could cause increased GHG emissions because of state discretion over highway spending.
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Maryland Senate Sets 2045 Net-Zero Target
The Maryland Senate approved legislation increasing the state’s GHG emission reduction goal to 60% below 2006 levels by 2030, up from the current 40% target.

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