September 29, 2024


Maine Court Rejects Referendum on Tx Project
Maine’s Supreme Judicial Court ruled that a proposed voter referendum on the New England Clean Energy Connect transmission line is unconstitutional.
NE States Pursue Clean Energy, Despite COVID-19
Officials from New England’s six states described their efforts to advance renewable energy goals despite the coronavirus pandemic.
Maine Presents Microcosm of Massive Climate Challenge
E2Tech invited four panelists to present their own strategy for meeting Maine’s ambitious renewable and emission-reduction goals.
Overheard at NECA Renewable Energy Conference 2020
About 150 people gathered in Auburndale, Mass., for the Northeast Energy and Commerce Association's Renewable Energy Conference.
ISO-NE: States Must Lead on Carbon Pricing
ISO-NE CEO Gordon van Welie said implementing a carbon price in New England would be “simple” but state officials need to support it before the RTO can act.
Avangrid Optimistic on NECEC, OSW
Avangrid expects to begin construction this year on the New England Clean Energy Connect transmission project despite a potential referendum in Maine.
Overheard at the 163rd NE Electricity Roundtable
New chief utility regulators shared their visions of grid modernization and resource adequacy at 163rd New England Electricity Restructuring Roundtable.
Overheard at ISO-NE Consumer Liaison Group: Sept. 5, 2019
The ISO-NE Consumer Liaison Group met in Portland, Maine, to hear from the region’s residents and share with them the latest activities at the RTO.
NE States See Mixed Results on Energy Policy
Industry participants gathered at the law offices of Brown Rudnick to hear NECEC provide updates on new energy legislation in all six New England states.
New England Officials Speak on Grid Transformation
State and regional officials updated the Environmental Business Council of New England on the rapid progress of renewable energy development.

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