September 29, 2024


States Ring in New Year with ISO-NE Reform Wish List
Tensions between New England states and ISO-NE came to a head last year when five governors issued a joint statement calling for reforms to the RTO.
NE Energy Leaders Discuss Paths to Decarbonization
State energy leaders from Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Maine outlined their long-term strategies to achieve decarbonization goals.
Proponents Tout Combined Heat and Power Potential
Combined heat and power systems harbor great potential for small applications, but adopters must face that system costs do not fall in proportion to size.
Overheard at NECA Legislative Update
The COVID-19 pandemic upended legislative business across New England, though state legislatures still advanced energy legislation.
States Demand ‘Central Role’ in ISO-NE Market Design
NESCOE called on ISO-NE to increase its transparency and the role of states, saying the current structure is incompatible with their clean energy efforts.
Governors’ Call for ISO-NE Reforms Draws Support
ISO-NE stakeholders said the call for reforms by New England governors is a precursor to a seismic shift in relations between the states and the RTO.
New England Governors Call for RTO Reform
The governors of Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Vermont released a joint statement calling for reforms to ISO-NE.
Mass., Conn. Seek Federal Partner on Decarbonization
Stronger federal leadership is needed to help New England’s decarbonization efforts, Massachusetts' and Connecticut's top energy officials said.
Maine Makes Record Renewable Procurement
The Maine PUC announced a 546-MW procurement of renewable energy, its largest since restructuring more than 20 years ago.
Consumer Advocates Upset with Pick for ISO-NE Board
Stakeholders are complaining about the nominating process for former Maine PUC Commissioner Mark Vannoy's appointment to ISO-NE’s board.

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