State briefs from around PJM's territory. Included this week are Delaware, Indiana, Michigan, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia.
State briefs from around PJM's territory. Included this week are Delaware,Illinois, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia.
Coal boosters who hope carbon capture technology will ensure the fuel’s future will find little support in a report for planners in the Eastern Interconnection.
The Interior Department Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) oversees development of the nation’s wind energy resources on the Outer Continental Shelf.
Integrating offshore wind into PJM will require billions in new transmission spending. Lines on shore also will have to be upgraded or built.
PJM's Atlantic states are ideally located to pursue offshore wind, with shallow coasts similar to Europe, where utility-scale offshore wind is 10+ years old
Delmarva Power & Light Co. filed rate hike requests totaling almost $65 million in Delaware and Maryland, saying its revenues have not kept pace with gro...
The Delaware Public Service Commission March 4 approved a four-month delay in the procedural schedule for the review of Delmarva Power and Light Co.’s Integ...
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