September 28, 2024


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Western Grid Challenges Weighed at WCPSC Meeting
Western regulators heard from a power panel of CEOs on maintaining grid reliability in the face of fires, storms, extreme heat and supply chain disruptions.
California Governor's Office
Newsom Stresses Role of Permitting in California Energy Transition
California Gov. Gavin Newsom has bold words for transitioning to clean energy, including on permitting, but his plan lacks some specifics.
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Western States Agree on Plan to Sustain Colorado River Flows
Governors of California, Arizona and Nevada have agreed to a three-year water conservation plan aimed at protecting the drought-stricken Colorado River system.
California Governor's Office
California Governor, PUC Take Steps to Speed Project Development
Gov. Gavin Newsom and the California Public Utilities Commission announced moves to try to expedite construction of transmission and clean-energy projects.
CAISO Board Adopts Revamped Transmission Plan
CAISO's Board of Governors approved a redesigned transmission plan that focuses on high-priority projects amid a crush of interconnection requests.
California State Assembly
CAISO Regionalization Bill Put on Hold
California Assemblymember Chris Holden said he will hold a bill that could eventually turn CAISO into an RTO while he tries to overcome opposition.
Hydro, New Resources Boost CAISO’s Summer Outlook
CAISO says that 8,100 MW of new resources and California's record snowpack, which is expected to increase hydro generation by 72%, improve its summer forecast.
California Governor's Office
Proposed Calif. Budget Retains Climate, Energy Funding
In California, a predicted budget shortfall that grew $9 billion since January has not resulted in additional proposed cuts in climate and energy spending.
Portland General Electric
California Considers Zero-emission Appliance Rules
California's Air Resources Board took one of its first steps toward a potential statewide ban on sales of new gas-powered space and water heaters for buildings.
California Faces Challenges Connecting 156 GW to Grid
A California Energy Commission workshop examined the difficulties of connecting vast quantities of clean energy resources to the bulk electric system by 2045.

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