September 5, 2024

State & Regional

Virginia Gov. Youngkin Releases 2022 Energy Plan
Gov. Youngkin's energy plan focuses on developing still-untested carbon-free resources alongside current renewable technology to make up for lost capacity.
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Western Markets Exploratory Group Shares Views
The Western Markets Exploratory Group made a rare public presentation at CREPC-WIRAB of its behind-the-scenes work evaluating market options for the West.
Raab Associates
Glick Backs Changes to Federal Infrastructure Permitting
Opponents of a proposal to ease the permitting of energy infrastructure ignore how current rules hobble renewables, FERC Chairman Richard Glick said.
New Jersey Offers Plan to Boost Lagging Storage Capacity
The N.J. BPU outlined a proposal to stimulate the development of standalone storage capacity by offering incentives for grid-scale and consumer-level projects.
NJ Foresees ‘Horse Trading’ with Other PJM States over Tx Costs
New Jersey hopes for “horse trading” with other PJM states over the cost of transmission needed to integrate offshore wind and other renewables.
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Murphy Outlines NJ Building Electrification Push
New Jersey has formed a multi-stakeholder task force to plan how to accelerate the effort to reduce emissions from buildings, Gov. Phil Murphy announced.
The City of Chula Vista
Clean Mobility Program Targets California Nonprofits, Public Agencies
A California clean mobility program will open $1 million in funding for nonprofits or public agencies to assess transportation needs in underserved communities.
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CAC Inches Toward Final Scoping Plan, Shares IRA Impacts
The IRA could provide New York up to $70 billion in energy incentives and reduce the cost of meeting emissions goals, the state’s Climate Action Council heard.
NJ County Asks BPU to Slow Approvals for First OSW Project
A N.J. county asked the BPU to slow approval of an easement to run power cables from Ocean Wind 1 across county land until environmental studies are completed.
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USEA Panel Explores How to Cut CO2 as Electricity Demand Increases
The impact of growing power demand is a key problem in the drive to decarbonize U.S. electricity, said Robert Rowe, president of NorthWestern Energy.

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