July 23, 2024

State & Regional

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ERCOT Searching for 3 GW of Winter Capacity
ERCOT surprised market participants with an announcement that it plans to increase operating reserves by requesting an additional 3,000 MW of capacity to shore up the grid for the upcoming winter.
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Northeast Stakeholders Push Transmission Planning, Siting Reform

Speakers at Raab Associates’ New England Electricity Restructuring Roundtable emphasized the importance of transmission planning to ensure the grid can handle increased amounts of variable clean energy and higher demand from electrification.

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Texas High Court to Review Decision on Uri Charges
The Texas Supreme Court will review a lower court ruling on the Public Utility Commission’s emergency pricing orders during the deadly 2021 winter storm, potentially placing billions of dollars at stake.
New Mexico Contemplates Organized Market Choice
When it comes to choosing between Western day-ahead market offerings, who else is participating in the market is a key consideration, a representative of a New Mexico utility said.
United Nations
Calif. Governor: ‘Climate Crisis is a Fossil Fuel Crisis’
Saying that 'humanity has opened the gates of hell,' UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres called for an end to subsidies for fossil fuels worldwide and a phaseout of all coal-fired generation in well-off countries by 2030.
Eos Energy Enterprises
Dominion Energy Seeks Approval for Long-duration Storage Pilot
Dominion Energy asked Virginia’s State Corporation Commission to approve a long-duration energy storage pilot project testing two varieties of non-lithium-ion batteries.
NY Policy Council Holds Inaugural Meeting to Discuss CGPP
New York’s Energy Policy Planning Advisory Council met to discuss the Joint Utilities' Coordinated Grid Planning Process and review its current modeling assumptions with stakeholders.
NIPSCO Proposes New Gas Plant; Ind. Consumer Advocate Displeased
Tensions are building between NIPSCO and the Citizen Action Coalition of Indiana over the utility's proposal to build a new natural gas peaking plant.
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Idaho PUC Declines to Join Western RTO Governance Effort

The Idaho Public Utilities Commission last week said it will not join with other state regulators in an initiative to lay the groundwork for an independent RTO designed to serve the entire Western Interconnection.

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Proactive Hosting Capacity Planning is Essential for Evolving Grid
Utilities and customers both benefit when proactive hosting capacity planning is used to get ahead of the rising demand for distributed energy resources, panelists at the RE+ conference in Las Vegas said.

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