July 23, 2024

State & Regional

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Solar Developers Sing Mid-Atlantic Interconnection Blues

Getting more solar on the grid is a critical issue in D.C., Maryland and Virginia, each of which has set ambitious targets for running their electric systems on 100% clean power.

New Jersey Launches OSW Infrastructure Solicitation
Recent setbacks will not prevent the New Jersey BPU from moving forward with the state's commitment to offshore wind.
Astoria Generating Company
NYISO to Keep Gas Peakers Online to Solve NYC Reliability Need
NYISO will keep two natural gas peaker plants online past their planned 2025 retirements to solve a 446-MW shortfall in New York City. 
Dominion Energy
Report Questions Dominion IRP’s Call for New Natural Gas Plants
A report funded by Chesapeake Climate Action Network questioned Dominion's plans for new natural gas in its pending IRP.
Gov. Grisham
Stakeholder Soapbox: Let the Market Determine the Fate of EVs
Economist Ken Costello says EVs are better off without mandates or subsidies — so that they are forced to compete with gas-powered vehicles on their own.
Northeast States Detail Early Efforts on Interregional Tx Collaborative
Representatives from states working on the Northeast States Collaborative on Interregional Transmission spoke about the young effort, particularly about offshore wind connections.
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FERC Approves PJM RTEP Projects over State Protests
The 25 projects in PJM's Regional Transmission Expansion Plan include a $796 million immediate-need project to address Brandon Shores' looming deactivation.
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FERC Rejects Tri-State’s Exit Deal with United Power
FERC found that Tri-State did not demonstrate that United's withdrawal agreement was just and reasonable under the Federal Power Act.
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NY Reliability Council OKs Interconnection Standards for Large IBRs
The New York State Reliability Council OK'd interconnection standards for inverter-based resources larger than 20 MW.  
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SPP ‘All Over’ Addressing Resource Adequacy
The Resource and Energy Adequacy Leadership (REAL) Team, a cross-section group of regulators, directors and stakeholders, is the answer to SPP's No. 1 strategic priority: resource adequacy.

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