A call for conservation, higher-than-expected wind energy and lower-than-expected temperatures helped ERCOT avoid taking emergency actions.
ERCOT CEO Bill Magness briefed the Texas Public Utility Commission on his organization’s response to the intense August heat.
PJM stakeholders are concerned that a proposed Tariff filing by transmission owners could undermine FERC-ordered transparency rules for certain projects.
NEPOOL provided the Transmission Committee with an update on the hearing procedures in the proceeding under Federal Power Act Section 206.
California must find new approaches to long-term forecasting and collaboration, speakers said at a California Energy Commission workshop.
The Analysis Group will delay the release of a carbon pricing study expected to be completed this month, CEO Rich Dewey told the Management Committee.
SPP CEO Nick Brown told the board and Members Committee that a recent FERC-NERC report confirmed the RTO’s position on MISO’s use of its system.
MISO is still reviewing FERC’s recent proposal that NERC develop cold weather reliability standards.
CAISO will seek to protect neighboring balancing authority areas if investor-owned utility members de-energize transmission lines due to wildfire threats.
SPP asked MOPC members to provide their input on a proposal to consolidate the 16 stakeholder groups that report to the committee.
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